Why G|L|P!?

glp, WISDOM is forever.

A vault of endless knowledge and resources.

The intellectual community comes together here.

a Higher Standard

A conscious lifestyle brand, serving cutting edge mindfulness during a time of great paradox. A unique blend of pop culture, history, spirituality, service, fun and entertainment presented  in a way that is classic, hip, cool and chic.

Our Family

A community made of brilliant people who are uniquely random, free spirits, with passions that are beautiful and fluid. They resist, occupy and speak-out loud against all established orders of neglect, ignorance, greed and hate. They are soldiers on the front line of a conscious movement that is pro-service for divine humanity. Engaged in a lifestyle and interest that is conscious, aware and “woke”. Taking a masterful approach to experiences deeply rooted in a community network adamant about the truth, increasing spiritual identity by promoting a higher social standard by creating a durable foundation essential to our future.

Blinded by Oppression

The moral character and standards throughout humanity has become accustomed to injustice, deceit and corruption. As the citizens of humanity we shamefully abide to these standards blissfully ignoring the characteristics of “a system of oppression” within our daily lives. We have become cooperatively blinded to the oppressive nature of our environment, leaving us unconscious in thought, word and deed. We wonder blindly following the wickedness of greed, selfishness, “commercialism and materialism, as if it gave genuine power to our existence. While in this weakened state, our lives remain empty, hopeless and without any just purpose. Leaving no room for the true principles of spiritual character. Our grim surroundings, reflect the appearance of an lifeless state of shriveled souls, where a deception of reality has normalized oppression leading to the general collapse of moral character and love ethic.

We will break down these  barriers, unapologetically.

Change the images (Content). Change the narrative (Post) . Make History (Share) ! Repeat…


Lifestyle | Be | Conscious | Love | Chic | Do | Give | Truth