(ORIGINAL POST:  3/13/2018)

“The Untold Truth” is a “historical sweep” sifting through the past finding things relevant today that “might“ have been overlooked. Every piece exposes, “events, people and ideas” of untold stories, filling the gap between realism and optimism,  with the truth. Standing as opposition against the echo chambers of the fake news and false alarms that has dominated our news feeds and timelines for centuries.



This series of articles is a thoughtful probe into a unique time in America, revealing complex truths about persistent questions we have about “race relations and class identity” embedded into the fabric of our shared history and existing reality. Giving clues into the possible source of the strategy behind the Populist, Economic Nationalist, White Nationalist and Bannonism movements currently dominating our politics.

Reference: Steve Bannon Interview on Charlie Rose:  September 11, 2017

Part 1- “I do not intend to weary the Senate, but I cannot allow this occasion to pass without saying that to me it is the most terrible moment of my legislative life. To me, Mr. President it brings more anxiety, more fear than any moment since I entered public life.” (-Read More: Click Here –>  “Slavery”– )

Part 2- “The degradation and miseries of the Reconstruction Period is being used as a plea to frighten poor whites, which Tillman says is the key reason why white men must come at the constitutional convention.” (-Read More: Click Here –>  “Trust Me”–  )

Part 3-  “The money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people, until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the republic is destroyed.”  (-Read More: Click Here –> “Honor Better than Gold”–  )

Part 4-   “They couldn’t afford for the thousands of silver voters to stand together. So it became necessary to raise the scarecrow of the negro and appeal to the lowest and bases passions and prejudice of mankind in order to frighten the people and call their attention from the hypocrisy and case treachery of these Democratic bosses.” (Read More: Click Here –>  “Fear the Negro Campaign”– )

Part 5- – “The one thing that saved the Southerners from immediate bitterness and animosity was that they knew that it was not the Negroes but the Federal Government who held them in subjection.” (Read More: Click Here –> ” The Negro Problem”– )

Part 6-  “While a certain percentage of negroes after the war were house servants, their was also a percentage who had the knowledge and held positions of those who were educated and skilled.” (Read More: Click Here –>  “Data and Stats”-)

Part 7-   It is here Mr. Kennedy’s reference to the Negro educator “Booker T Washington” makes his most definitive statement, “that if African’s were not discovered white slavery would have continued.” (Read More: Click Here –>  “The Redemptioners”--)

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