| Summary | “The Last Historian” 🔹 The year is 2051. Amica P. Lynch is the last historian—on a mission…
(ORIGINAL POST: 3/13/2018) “The Untold Truth” is a “historical sweep” sifting through the past finding things relevant today that “might“…
Reference: from “The Truth* Vol. 1
Thorn Foundation: an international anti-human trafficking organization that works to address the sexual exploitation of children. The primary programming…
Excerpts from “Deceptions, Schemes & Animosity“, also see instagram feed.
Get access to a sample of the exclusive first edition of “The Truth*”- a retro newspaper with a modern twist….
“History of Black Panther”, Variant Comics, published on youtube on May 4, 2016
Excerpts from the first edition of the “The Truth*” . “Sept. 3, 1915-Mrs. EH Harriman gigantic eugenic enterprise at Cold…
Tulsa’s Black Wall Street massacre”, CNN published on youtube on Oct. 4, 2016
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