Excerpts from the first edition of the “The Truth*” .
“Sept. 3, 1915-Mrs. EH Harriman gigantic eugenic enterprise at Cold Springs Harbor to ascertain “what is the matter with the human race”, launched a campaign today for the sterilization of 15 million Americans by 1980, which she received support from Alexander Bell, Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller Jr. The most gigantic efforts of the institutions are directed toward nationwide sterilization laws, which focused on improving humanity not through the negative sides of segregation and sterilization, but the human species should be improved by encouraging fit mating among the better classes and cutting off the lower levels. The negative side of improvement sterilization will be pushed to the limits in states without legal sanctions, which has reached into various penal (penitentiary. a correctional institution) institutions. Every effort is made to encourage establishment of eugenics research and education, the YMCA the field of ardent exploitation.”
A few questions we need to answer:
- What do you think is meant by the statement “improving humanity not through the negative sides of segregation and sterilization” when creating this eugenics institute?
- How has “eugenics research” evolved today as it relates to the “”immigrants, people of color, poor people, unmarried mothers, the disabled, the mentally ill”?
- What are there current “sterilization laws” in states throughout the US?
- Who are the modern day, Harriman, Carnegie, Rockefeller and Bell and what is their scheme?
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