GLP | Original | Content – Gott-Love-Paz A conscious lifestyle brand, serving cutting edge mindfulness during a time of great paradox. Fri, 12 Jun 2020 23:37:51 +0000 en-US hourly 1 GLP | Original | Content – Gott-Love-Paz 32 32 134388443 “Deception , Schemes & Animosity” (Repost 3/13/2018) Fri, 12 Jun 2020 09:00:49 +0000 “The Untold Truth” is a “historical sweep” sifting through the past finding things relevant today that “might“ have been overlooked. Every piece exposes, “events, people and ideas” of untold stories, filling the gap between realism and optimism,  with the truth. Standing as opposition against the echo chambers of the fake news and false alarms that has dominated our news feeds and timelines for centuries.


This series of articles is a thoughtful probe into a unique time in America, revealing complex truths about persistent questions we have about “race relations and class identity” embedded into the fabric of our shared history and existing reality. Giving clues into the possible source of the strategy behind the Populist, Economic Nationalist, White Nationalist and Bannonism movements currently dominating our politics.

Reference: Steve Bannon Interview on Charlie Rose:  September 11, 2017

Part 1- “I do not intend to weary the Senate, but I cannot allow this occasion to pass without saying that to me it is the most terrible moment of my legislative life. To me, Mr. President it brings more anxiety, more fear than any moment since I entered public life.” (-Read More: Click Here –>  “Slavery”– )

Part 2- “The degradation and miseries of the Reconstruction Period is being used as a plea to frighten poor whites, which Tillman says is the key reason why white men must come at the constitutional convention.” (-Read More: Click Here –>  “Trust Me”–  )

Part 3-  “The money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people, until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the republic is destroyed.”  (-Read More: Click Here –> “Honor Better than Gold”–  )

Part 4-   “They couldn’t afford for the thousands of silver voters to stand together. So it became necessary to raise the scarecrow of the negro and appeal to the lowest and bases passions and prejudice of mankind in order to frighten the people and call their attention from the hypocrisy and case treachery of these Democratic bosses.” (Read More: Click Here –>  “Fear the Negro Campaign”– )

Part 5- – “The one thing that saved the Southerners from immediate bitterness and animosity was that they knew that it was not the Negroes but the Federal Government who held them in subjection.” (Read More: Click Here –> ” The Negro Problem”– )

Part 6-  “While a certain percentage of negroes after the war were house servants, their was also a percentage who had the knowledge and held positions of those who were educated and skilled.” (Read More: Click Here –>  “Data and Stats”-)

Part 7-   It is here Mr. Kennedy’s reference to the Negro educator “Booker T Washington” makes his most definitive statement, “that if African’s were not discovered white slavery would have continued.” (Read More: Click Here –>  “The Redemptioners”--)

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Sex: Auctions, Greed & The Unidentified Thu, 22 Mar 2018 23:09:50 +0000

Reference: from “The Truth* Vol. 1 

Intellectuals, Literacy & Slaves Wed, 07 Mar 2018 16:00:06 +0000

Excerpts from “Deceptions, Schemes & Animosity“, also see instagram feed.

The Truth* 1st Edition ===> download. for free NOW! Mon, 05 Mar 2018 15:10:49 +0000 Get access to a sample of the exclusive first edition of “The Truth*”- a retro newspaper with a modern twist. Important topics include the repeated history of: human trafficking, native land taken for oil, dark side of medical research & charitable foundations, eugenics and world domination by “the elite”.


Now that we have your attention.

Click below to order a full version only available in print,  “The Truth*, 1st Edition…

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Gold Coins, Dollars & A Few Hands Fri, 02 Mar 2018 00:37:21 +0000 Excerpts: The Truth* Vol. 1, also see instagram feed.

“Above the Law” Thu, 01 Mar 2018 23:12:48 +0000 “The Establishment”

In the late 1800’s, the core of “The Establishment” combine are the moguls who control the oil (John D. Rockefeller), banking ( JP Morgan) and steel, (Andrew Carnegie) industries . They ran their empires independently until they realized it was of mutual benefit to work together instead of separately. The collective goal was “World Domination” by creating a functioning shadow entity of financial and economic power independent of law and government. This entity would manifest as an active principle working from within superior levels of cooperation through capitalism, commerce and industry.

They had agreed that in order to compete in the world economy the US needed a new system to restore the social order and law. They did not trust the corrupt and unstable democratic system which was now in place. It wasn’t capable nor efficient enough to handle this new era of economy and government without bias. It was their own resources and power that had brought the US economy through some difficult times. Although they felt their objective was for the greater good, their intentions are clouded in mystery and conspiracy. The modernization of economy and government through slave labor, aggressive monopolies, the chloroforming of public opinion was difficult to conceal.

However, as individuals and journalist saw beyond the illusion of how an oppressive system was emerging. Their competitors began to speak-out and flood the press with ideas and concerns beyond the deliberately staged propaganda of “the Establishment.” For example, one journalist wrote, “Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of manufacture are afraid of something. They know there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watched so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak the truth above their breath, when they speak the truth above their breath, they speak in condemnation of it. They fear this level of deception and collusion as an elaborate secret design with the passage of laws to the fact that the United States had been under domination of what he calls a “board of directors” of big interests that have advised the government.”


  1. Excerpt from notes for “World Domination Treatment” written by “KG”, feb. 22, 2017
  2. Image- “Above the Law”, Puck magazine between the years 1882 and 1915

“How the Elite stay in power…” Wed, 28 Feb 2018 15:11:06 +0000

Black Panther, Excellence & Eugenics Sat, 24 Feb 2018 14:19:41 +0000 Excerpts: The Truth* Vol. 1 & Ebook “Deception, Schemes…” also see instagram feed.

“History of Black Panther… Wed, 21 Feb 2018 23:05:16 +0000 “History of Black Panther”, Variant Comics, published on youtube on May 4, 2016

“Prune the Race…” Wed, 21 Feb 2018 21:40:39 +0000 Excerpts from the first edition of the “The Truth*” .

“Sept. 3, 1915-Mrs. EH Harriman gigantic eugenic enterprise at Cold Springs Harbor to ascertain “what is the matter with the human race”, launched a campaign today for the sterilization of 15 million Americans by 1980, which she received support from Alexander Bell, Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller Jr. The most gigantic efforts of the institutions are directed toward nationwide sterilization laws, which focused on improving humanity not through the negative sides of segregation and sterilization, but the human species should be improved by encouraging fit mating among the better classes and cutting off the lower levels. The negative side of improvement sterilization will be pushed to the limits in states without legal sanctions, which has reached into various penal (penitentiary. a correctional institution) institutions. Every effort is made to encourage establishment of eugenics research and education, the YMCA the field of ardent exploitation.”


A few questions we need to answer:

  1. What do you think is meant by the statement “improving humanity not through the negative sides of segregation and sterilization” when creating this eugenics institute?
  2. How has “eugenics research” evolved today as it relates to the “”immigrants, people of color, poor people, unmarried mothers, the disabled, the mentally ill”?
  3. What are there current “sterilization laws”  in states throughout the US?
  4. Who are the modern day, Harriman, Carnegie, Rockefeller and Bell and what is their scheme?

Change the images (Content). Change the narrative (Post) . Make History (Share) ! Repeat…

Comment Below!

“Decide for Yourself” Wed, 04 Oct 2017 17:10:56 +0000

Be mindful of what you worship. False Idols, Deceptions and Lies.


“Decide for yourself?”

The clock in the steeple of time has struck the hour for a great struggle in all the civilized world. Politics, Capital and Labor have declared war. The mental world is being convulsed from centre to circumference. The question arises in the minds of all : ” What position shall I occupy in this matter ? ” for none can wholly escape its influence. There is a great people who have in word or in fact, dedicated their life to God and humanity by virtue of the maturity of their souls, —though they may be unconscious of it,—aim being to unite the leading minds of all departments of advanced thought in a concerted, practical effort to increase light, multiply knowledge, and intensify soul-life, to the end of making the individual superior to earthly conditions and mortal environments, thus hastening the triumph of mind over matter through experimental knowledge and personal conjunction with God as the true Omnipotent and Luminous Soul of the Universe.

When there are a number of such human instruments that have ultimate possession of these higher attainments so that God’s mind can find perfect expression through their organism, then God’s will, that rules all things, will also find perfect expression through them ; and they, having come into order and harmony with the Divine law, God will, through them, bring order out of disorder and harmony out of chaos.

Let it be one, two, three, four, or a hundred and forty-four thousand—the number given to John at Patmos, that “would be the first ripe fruit of the earth.” —Ripe fruit implies growth, development, unfoldment and

But though we understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and have not love,” we ” are nothing.” Love ” bear-eth all things and undoeth all things,”(if thereby a great good is to be accomplished,) but “whether there be tongues they shall cease ; whether there be knowledge it shall vanish away.” Follow after love, and desire spiritual gifts.” Attainment in love, and the creation by love of an earth manifest in a spiritual life or social order, is the highest goal of human attainment for divine humanity. It is not desirable that we should multiply words of hate, fear and ignorance.
It is needful that we make of ourselves reservoirs of boundless sympathy and active good will,—a good will that will penetrate even the hardness of chaos, suffering and deception, indifference, greed and selfishness. To live in peace and hope is not only within the individual spirit, and it is not only our highest wisdom to unfold it within each of ourselves, individually, but we can have no better nor higher aim than to work for its actualization in society for the sake of the divine.

How we can best do this work, each individual must decide for each one’s self?
